Acyclovir vs Famciclovir

AcyclovirAcyclovir FamciclovirFamciclovir
Acyclovir is used to treat infections caused by certain types of viruses. It treats cold sores around the mouth (caused by herpes simplex), shingles (caused by herpes zoster), and chickenpox.Famciclovir is used to treat infections caused by certain types of viruses. It treats shingles caused by herpes zoster. It also treats outbreaks of herpes simplex that cause cold sores around the mouth, sores around the anus, and genital herpes. In people with frequent outbreaks of genital herpes, famciclovir is used to help reduce the number of future episodes. Famciclovir is an antiviral drug. However, it is not a cure for these infections. The viruses that cause these infections continue to live in the body even between outbreaks. Famciclovir decreases the severity and length of these outbreaks. It helps the sores heal faster, keeps new sores from forming, and decreases pain/itching. This medication may also help reduce how long pain remains after the sores heal. In addition, in people with a weakened immune system, famciclovir can decrease the risk of the virus spreading to other parts of the body and causing serious infections.
Add Acyclovir review
Mari | 08.03.13
Contracted herpes from a guy I was dating. I knew something was wrong 2 weeks after we had sex, so I went to the emergency room. I thought it was a bad UTI but the doctor said it was cervicitis and gave me whatever shot it is they give people who have contracted an STD. Symptoms slowly got better and I went almost 6 months without an outbreak. Come to find out I have herpes. I started out taking a ...
guest | 03.03.13
I am allergic to this med, unfortunately. I broke out in a rash all over my body after 2 days. also allergic to Valcyclovir. was told there is nothing else I can take.
Dilly O | 07.02.13
Dear fellow women with genital herpes - It is soooo very important that you have regular Pap exams. Because you have the herpes virus, you are prone to cervical cancer. I know -- I contracted it. So please, ya'll, have annual exams.
Add Famciclovir review
Judes | 19.07.13
I started this early in the outbreak as a precaution. My doctor told me if we wait until it gets worse then we can't use it, or use it with much effectiveness. This medication was very effective in stopping the itching and pain I had from Shingles in the first three days.(It also had started to clear them up)In the afternoon and evening of day three though, I started to become incoherent and incredibly fatigued. My doctor took me off of it for this reason
cheryl | 11.07.12
Second time of having shingles. First time, didn't know what I had, so shingles had progressed pretty far. This time. I knew that itching, sharp needle feeling, and down right pain. So I decided to go see my doctor asap. I definitely believe early treatment is the answer. I did notice frequent urination, and my bp seemed to elevate. However, it certainly helped with the spread, blisters, and keeping them from totally coming out. It did make me sleepy though. Also used benadryl as a topical ointment. Oxycodone helped with pain, but could only tolerate at night, due to basically knocking me out.
guest | 24.01.12
I had shingles on my neck, head, and ear. Took this and it stopped me from getting any new ones. One side effect. Maybe it was shingles, BUT this medicine made me really tired at 500 mg three times a day. Though at night, wide awake.