Amoxicillin vs Tetracycline

AmoxicillinAmoxicillin TetracyclineTetracycline
Amoxicillin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. Amoxicillin is a penicillin-type antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.Tetracycline is used to treat a wide variety of infections, including acne. It is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. Tetracycline can also be used in combination with anti-ulcer medications to treat certain types of stomach ulcers.
Add Amoxicillin review
guest | 09.05.13
My dentist prescribed 1500 mgs daily to clear up an abcessed tooth so it could be pulled. My only problems were that it has made me very tired, but it did reduce the swelling in the abcessed tooth; and also gave me a headache each day.
Jake | 25.04.13
Prrescribed Amoxicillin QID 500mg post root canal surgery. Besides the normal intestinal distress, developed dry eye syndrome and severe tinnitus. Will not take again.
Lizzy | 21.03.13
This medication causes anxiety issues
Wingman | 08.02.13
Ive been prescribed Amoxicillin along with other medications to treat my H. Pylori infection. i don't know if it was the infection or the medication, but i do have frequent bowl movements and i usually feel really nauseous. my trips to the bathroom were long and very frequent, frequent enough to occur at least twice or three times during school. for anyone who is taking this medication or taking t ...
SteveCL | 15.01.13
I developed constipation and passed a hard stool giving me hemmorrhoids, leaving me with a bloated abdomen and queasy feeling and flu like symtoms. I call the local pharmacist and he said no it couldn't be the medication, ODD I was ok right before taking it. He said it was a rare chance and that the warnings and side affects in the phamplet that came with the medication was just in there to cover ...
Add Tetracycline review
guest | 25.05.13
This medicine made me feel extremely depressed. I can't explain it very well, but I just felt lethargic and apathetic when I was taking this. If I could go back in time and never have taken this drug/medicine I would. It wasn't very helpful at all and actually created some other problems in the future.
guest | 17.05.13
While this drug did help clear my acne it also caused benign intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Basically the drug caused me to have symptoms like having a brain tumor, but in fact I did not have a brain tumor. After about 3 months on this drug I started getting severe headaches and my vision started to become blurry. I went to see my eye doctor who told me my optic nerves were very swollen. He said that if I would have continued on this drug I could have had serious visual defects. This drug has a lot of negative side effets, and while it did clear up my acne it could have caused me to have permanent eye's up to you to outweight the risks with the reward but knowing what I know now I would have never taken the drug. It also cost me a lot of money, I had to see my eye doctor for about a total of 8 visits over a year period. Luckily I had insurance at that time.