Anastrozole vs Aromasin

AnastrozoleAnastrozole AromasinAromasin
This medication is used to treat breast cancer in women who have gone through "the change of life" (menopause). Anastrozole works by lowering estrogen hormone levels to help shrink tumors and slow their growth.This medication is used to treat certain types of breast cancer (such as hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer) in women after menopause. Exemestane is also used to help prevent the cancer from returning. Some breast cancers are made to grow faster by a natural hormone called estrogen. Exemestane decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes and helps to slow or reverse the growth of these breast cancers. Exemestane is usually not used in women of childbearing age.
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caz | 05.11.13
I took this for almost 3 months at the same time I was doing radiation every week day. I though all along that the radiation was making me so sick. My radiologist insisted that it was not radiation. That I may have the flu. I told my oncologist that I did not want to do any chemo. He told me this was a hormone blocker and I should take it for 5 years. I did not realize that this pill was making me so sick until I researched it here on WebMD, I feel my oncologist deceived me and I have changed doctors. I had most all of the side effects listed for this drug and suffered needlessly.
guest | 15.10.13
I have been taking Anastrozole generic 1 mg for a little over a month.Before taking the medication, I had pain in my hands and feet during the night and when I first get up out of bed. It feels like stiffness and tightness. I also had hot flashes that were severe. Since the medicine, I have had improvement in the hot flashes,(still there but not as bad) and the stiffness in the fingers and feet continues. I was premenopausal before the chemo.Now I am post menoposal. I had TC. My doctor says the stiffness is from the chemo and should subside. The hot flashes he says will get better. They are running a bell curve cycle. I am hoping I am at the end of the curve. lol. I have had some stiffness in my hips,knees and shoulders and do not know if it is related to the chemo,the anastrozole,or just my muscle imbalance. I will go to a Sports Medicine Doctor tomorrow to see what kind of stretches and treatment they think will help. Overall, I will keep taking the drug and Praising God that he has brought me through !
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what is this? | 15.12.13
It causes me pain in my joints. I worry about the long-term effects. I have difficulty with some tasks and when I feel the pain, I feel very tired. I have wondered about alternatives, and also about how long I really need to take this. I am coming up on 3 years in a few months.
Rosie | 01.12.13
I took arimedex for 1 year and due to side effects was switched to aromasin which I took for 4 years. My 5 years ended in March 2012. Never had trouble with my feet until I took this medication. My knees hurt and my wrists are painful and fingers go numb and tingle. Thought these symptoms would get better when I stopped the medications but it seems they are getting worse. Are side effects from hormone blockers permanent? I know I have a bit of arthritis but not to this extent.