Antabuse vs Flagyl

AntabuseAntabuse FlagylFlagyl
This medication is used along with counseling and support to treat alcoholism. Disulfiram works by blocking the processing of alcohol in the body. This causes you to have a bad reaction when you drink alcohol.Metronidazole is used to treat a variety of infections. It belongs to a class of antibiotics known as nitroimidazoles. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria and protozoa.
Add Antabuse review
Hammer | 21.10.13
Im 45yrs old, an alcoholic for sure. Went to AA for years, counseling, none of that worked. Started taking Antabuse February 2013 almost a year now, I take 250mg daily. It works for me, a little drowsiness so I take it at night. I've been sober for 9 months now. Only thing that I recently am experiencing is getting an erection. So I have a doctor's appointment this week, where I hope to get some Viagra to take care of that..
guest | 18.09.13
I have been taking this medication and am 90 days sober. Somthing I sincerely thought I would never see. I highly recommend this medication and am not certain why IT'S not out there and talked about more. It should be shouted out and highly publized.
cleo | 15.09.13
has helped with urge to drink all the time
Kimber | 24.02.13
I've tried everything to stop drinking. Fortunate to be on antabuse and sober for 26 days. I've had some side effects, but nothing to stop me from taking it. I will continue to use it and work with my 12 step program. Finally feel that I can live my life again. Very grateful. Don't use this medication if your going to drink.
Add Flagyl review
pj79 | 29.05.13
This med made me feel wiped out but I didn't get sick from it. Like others have said, it works fast. It's REALLY important to eat with this med or you will feel terrible. If you eat with it or at least drink milk you should be fine the only side effect I had was feeling tired. I stress eat with it and yes it has a bad taste if it's in your mouth too long I noticed if I took it with juice, soda or ...
beenthere | 05.03.13
I have taken this twice before & am about to start another 7day treatment for my recurring condition. I have never enjoyed the experience in the past & even though I have the prescription already I haven't mustered up the courage to start it yet. The last time I took it I forgot it wasn't supposed to be mixed w/ alcohol & I took literally 2 small sips of a beer. Within 30-45 mins I was ...
atabs | 27.02.13
THIS STUFF WORKS WONDERFULLY!!!!! I was scared to take this medication after reading the reviews, but faced the fear because I know this was the only medication that would make me get better. At the time of receiving medication I had, had B.V for about 2 weeks and was TOTALLY FED UP!!!!! I was becoming hopeless and depressed because to me vaginal odor is one of the most saddening things a woman ...
elphadora | 23.01.13
I was prescribed Flagyl for bacterial vaginosis. It killed the vaginosis. Unfortunately it also killed my appetite. It got so bad that I was counting calories to make sure I was getting the minimum 800 a day the average adult needs for basic subsistence. I was like the walking dead by the end of it. Never again with the oral version of this drug. I would consider the cream though.
hrn91 | 26.12.12
Taking this medicine for BV, definitely has cleared the Vaginosis but have had several side effects. Leaves a horrible metallic taste in my mouth and constantly queasy. Vomited a few times, generally first thing in the morning with the metallic taste. Big loss of appetite as well.