Aromasin vs Letrozole

AromasinAromasin LetrozoleLetrozole
This medication is used to treat certain types of breast cancer (such as hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer) in women after menopause. Exemestane is also used to help prevent the cancer from returning. Some breast cancers are made to grow faster by a natural hormone called estrogen. Exemestane decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes and helps to slow or reverse the growth of these breast cancers. Exemestane is usually not used in women of childbearing age.This medication is used to treat certain types of breast cancer (such as hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer) in women after menopause. Letrozole is also used to help prevent the cancer from returning. Some breast cancers are made to grow faster by a natural hormone called estrogen. Letrozole decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes and helps to slow or reverse the growth of these breast cancers.
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what is this? | 15.12.13
It causes me pain in my joints. I worry about the long-term effects. I have difficulty with some tasks and when I feel the pain, I feel very tired. I have wondered about alternatives, and also about how long I really need to take this. I am coming up on 3 years in a few months.
Rosie | 01.12.13
I took arimedex for 1 year and due to side effects was switched to aromasin which I took for 4 years. My 5 years ended in March 2012. Never had trouble with my feet until I took this medication. My knees hurt and my wrists are painful and fingers go numb and tingle. Thought these symptoms would get better when I stopped the medications but it seems they are getting worse. Are side effects from hormone blockers permanent? I know I have a bit of arthritis but not to this extent.
Add Letrozole review
brittanyp | 24.05.13
I am taking this medication to induce ovulation and it has worked for 3 months now, even though I am not pregnant yet I hope to be soon since we know its working. I do get severe cramps with it and I am moody but I can deal with it.
Mikey G | 15.07.12
Taken to reduce estrogen levels (I am a male) my estrogen had climbed over 100 ng/dl and the highest level should be 39 ng/dl in a male. Amazing drug, knocked the estrogen down to 22 ng/dl with 1.25 mg twice a week in only two weeks. Joints got a little stiff, you need estrogen as a man just not a lot.