Ativan vs Dilantin

AtivanAtivan DilantinDilantin
Ativan is used to treat anxiety. Lorazepam belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines which act on the brain and nerves (central nervous system) to produce a calming effect. This drug works by enhancing the effects of a certain natural chemical in the body (GABA).Phenytoin is used to prevent and control seizures (also called an anticonvulsant or antiepileptic drug). It works by reducing the spread of seizure activity in the brain.
Add Ativan review
DENISE | 13.06.13
guest | 09.06.13
I have been on Adivan for5-6years and now i take it 2times a day (img) and i have now many mood swings and crying ,also cramps ,anger, and bad tought and while sleeping CRACY dreams feels likeall night. i want to get off this med. please let me know how
Ativan | 30.05.13
I was given two orange tablets of Ativan at the hospital before gong in for an internal biopsy. This was to just take the edge off (although I didn't feel particularly anxious). Pain reliever was to be administered just before the biopsy, except that the Ativan had knocked me out. I had no adverse reaction from this, and waked about two hours after the procedure had been completed. I dressed and m ...
guest | 09.05.13
I was going through withdrawal from another drug and having anxiety. A doctor at a clinic told me to take this Ativan twice a day until I see my regular doctor. I have been tossing and turning every night and getting very little sleep. So when I get too tired I take one of these Ativan before bed and they work very well.
lorezapan | 08.05.13
Helps me sleep when my anxiety gets out of hand, also calms me pretty long does this stay in your system if you do not use it daily????? been taking for two years but not consistenly....prn
Add Dilantin review
guest | 21.09.13
I was recently diagnosed with epilepsy after suffering 4 seizures in 14 months. After having an allergic reaction to tegretol, I was recently placed on dilantin. While it so far seems effective as far as stopping seizures, the side effects are somewhat bothersome. I become very tired, suffer dry mouth and lips, and suffer from some confusion. All in all the effectiveness seems to outweigh the side effects at this point.
guest | 16.08.12
This medication has caused my sugar to stay high , and it has caused my bones to hurt all over my body, the only reason I have to take it is because I have diabetic seizures .