Avodart vs Proscar

AvodartAvodart ProscarProscar
This medication is used in men to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia-BPH). It works by reducing the size of the enlarged prostate. This helps to relieve symptoms of BPH such as difficulty in beginning the flow of urine, weak stream, and the need to urinate frequently or urgently (including during the middle of the night). It may also reduce the need for surgery to treat BPH. Dutasteride is not approved for prevention of prostate cancer. It may slightly increase the risk of developing a very serious form of prostate cancer. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks. This medication should not be used by women or children.Finasteride is used to shrink an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH) in adult men. It may be used alone or taken in combination with other medications to reduce symptoms of BPH and may also reduce the need for surgery. Finasteride may improve symptoms of BPH and provide benefits such as decreased urge to urinate, better urine flow with less straining, less of a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied, and decreased nighttime urination. This medication works by decreasing the amount of a natural body hormone (DHT) that causes growth of the prostate. Finasteride is not approved for prevention of prostate cancer. It may slightly increase the risk of developing a very serious form of prostate cancer. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks. Women and children should not use this medication.
Add Avodart review
Gordo | 16.05.13
Have been taking for one month and have already found good results. Down from 5 times per night to two times. No sexual or other side effects
cb | 05.05.13
Urinary flow much better, but sex drive stopped even with Viagra. Worth trade off? No. Am rtrying every other day before stopping Avodart. No breast enhancement, thankfully.
Add Proscar review
PG | 21.10.13
Experienced scary side effects of swollen chest and tremors that felt like excessive heart palpitations. Brought to local ER, no heart or lung problems, just horrible side effects of the med. A urologist denied this but I know how my body reacted and it was extremely unpleasant. Going off it to try something else.
Pissed | 03.10.12
This drug should be Band from Market. Side effects,E D,low or no sex drive. Burning while urinating,fequent trips to bathroom all day and night. No warnings from my Dr. about these side effects took it 4 months and it was 4 months of hell. Quit 18 days ago and 90% of side effects gone...........PS-Class acton suit(google it)
wallace | 24.12.11
70 y/o taking proscar for 18 years. Dr. recently stated "you have done very well".