Bacitracin vs Polysporin

BacitracinBacitracin PolysporinPolysporin
This medication is an antibiotic used to treat certain bacterial eye infections. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication treats only bacterial eye infections. It will not work for other types of eye infections. Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.This medication is used to treat eye infections. This product contains bacitracin and polymyxin, antibiotics that work by stopping the growth of bacteria. This medication treats only bacterial eye infections. It will not work for other types of eye infections (e.g., infections caused by viruses, fungi, mycobacteria). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.
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JEANETTE | 26.09.10
Patient was given for eyelid surgery in Jan 2010. During a recent hospital stay, nurse applies ointment inside patients eye for dryness 4 days later he still has red, swollen, red, itching eyes. Will return to eye doctor tomorrow hope fully he can wait that long. Nurses should read patient history before applying any drug that is listed as active on patients history.
guest | 24.11.07
Cut on surface of right eye, near pupil. Drug applied at ER. Within 20 minutes eye swelled and burned. Left eye started to swell before returning to ER to have drug rinsed out.
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