Ciprofloxacin vs Nitrofurantoin

CiprofloxacinCiprofloxacin NitrofurantoinNitrofurantoin
ciprofloxacin is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. Ciprofloxacin belongs to a class of drugs called quinolone antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.This medication is used to treat or prevent certain urinary tract infections. This medication is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. It will not work for viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. Nitrofurantoin should not be used in children less than one month of age due to the risk of a certain blood problem (hemolytic anemia).
Add Ciprofloxacin review
guest | 16.06.13
cipro 500 mg for 7 days after the first day everything went away but now its about 2 weeks later and i believe its coming back! i did have slight nausea,dizziness and drowsiness. felt like i was walking around in a haze, i will deff be contacting my docter again, not happy with the results and deff in more pain!
Retired Teacher | 02.05.13
I am on my fourth day of taking Cipro. My doctor prescribed it for a UTI. The first two days were okay, but starting on the third day, the side effects became worse. I was somewhat weak the first couple of days, but after that I have lived in a "Fog"!! I feel very lightheaded, and have minor, but irritating headaches. I dread taking it in the morning because I know that my day is going ...
clemb | 01.04.13
Swallowing muscles hurt..severe pain when swallowing. I have MS. I stopped taking drug for 1/2 day and throat cleared up...problem not MS.Nothing is worse than getting up every fifteen minutes because of Urinary infection.
guest | 07.03.13
Had to have two treatments before this RX worked
guest | 21.02.13
This is my second round on this drug. I take 2 500mg capsules a day for three days. I have noticed dizziness, some stomach cramping. My legs and arms are stiff, however, I do have MS..soo it might be the MS. I had to go off my tizanidine to take this drug, therefore I am experiencing muscle stiffness and sleeplessness. My infection cleared up in the first day!! I just wish I could take my other me ...
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Shirl | 28.09.13
I felt so sick with every tablet & after finishing them I was sick! But I have never felt so tired & drained ever & that was a horrid feeling, it cleared up my kidney pain but what a horrible week the sickness & tiredness made me feel worse!
guest | 10.08.13
I'm a perky, active, healthy sort and this drug makes me feel TERRIBLE. I am so tired and completely wiped out. Also low grade fever and nausea--but they are nothing compared to the FATIGUE.