Clomid vs Clomiphene

ClomidClomid ClomipheneClomiphene
This medication is used to treat infertility in women. It works by stimulating an increase in the amount of hormones that support the growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation). This medication is not recommended for women whose ovaries no longer make eggs properly (primary pituitary or ovarian failure).This medication is used to treat infertility in women. It works by stimulating an increase in the amount of hormones that support the growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation). This medication is not recommended for women whose ovaries no longer make eggs properly (primary pituitary or ovarian failure).
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Below twins | 19.05.13
My husband and I were having trouble conceiving and when we went to the doctor I was diagnosed with PCOS. He put me on clomid and on the first dose I was pregnant and with twins!!! My doctor had told us it could take up to 6 months. He thinks the reason we got pregnant so fast is because of our age we were both 22. Now I am happy to say we have 2 beautiful and happy children (a boy and a girl) and t are about to turn 1month old!!! I hope all of you get what you are looking for and never lose hope !!! I wish you all the best of luck and I would recommend clomid to anyone who is having issues conceiving! God bless
BLUEYZTN | 03.04.13
I was on Depo shots for several years without the DRs taking me off of it (planned parenthood). Its not meant to be taken for several yrs at a time. It has been 7yrs since I stopped taking it. There is the slight chance that I may not be able to get pregnant and have started seeing a new DR, who put me on Clomid (in Jan 2013. I have begun ovulating and also keeping track of everything with an App called My Days Plus. We are truely hoping this with help us concieve our first child!!! I will keep you posted!!!
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CrossingFingers | 15.08.13
For one: reading the reviews. It's different for everyone. For two: I read you can't be on clomid for more than 6 months. For 3: Are you having sex with your DH "At least" every other day? For four: Please don't review on something you just took today for the first time ever. Review the product after you have finished. I'm only on my first cycle, because of PCOS. We have been TTC for a year with no luck. Blood work and such are all normal, besides my PCOS. DR put me on Clomid (5 day dose) says to have sex every other day. Well, my DH is a happy man as he gets it everyday. We are fully into this trying to conceive and will do what it takes. I feel the cramps, but it's not a big deal, as they are ovulation cramps. I'm excited to be starting this adventure. As of now, I can say the drug is doing it's job; it's making me ovulate. So 5 stars all the way across. Again everybody will have a different experience. Good luck to all.
nishi | 10.07.13
i am going to take this tablet , my Dr has suggested me to take this tablet on my 3rd periods date to alternate day , is it safe? am little beet worried, could anybody share his experience with me?
LadyTi | 07.04.12
I am on my 2nd go round w/clomid 50mg my doc has now added metformin to assist hope something works we get excited when my pms systems kick-in only to be upset looking forward to conceiving!