Clomipramine vs Fluoxetine

ClomipramineClomipramine FluoxetineFluoxetine
Clomipramine is used to treat obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). It helps decrease persistent/unwanted thoughts (obsessions), and it helps reduce the urge to perform repeated tasks (compulsions such as hand-washing, counting, checking) that interfere with daily living. This medication belongs to a class of medications called tricyclic antidepressants. It works by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (serotonin, among others) in the brain.fluoxetine is used to treat a variety of conditions, including depression and other mental/mood disorders. fluoxetine can help prevent suicidal thoughts/attempts and provide other important benefits. However, studies have shown that a small number of people (especially people younger than 25) who take antidepressants for any condition may experience worsening depression, other mental/mood symptoms, or suicidal thoughts/attempts. Therefore, it is very important to talk with the doctor about the risks and benefits of antidepressant medication (especially for people younger than 25), even if treatment is not for a mental/mood condition.
Add Clomipramine review
guest | 27.08.12
I have been on clomipramine for more than 3 years, and it has worked very well for me and my OCD. Main side effect for me is constipation.
ocd | 11.06.12
Was hospitalized for 8 days. The unwanted thought took over and I vomited each time the thought entered my mind. Luvox didn't help much but Ananfranil is really helping so far.
Add Fluoxetine review
jusswannasleep | 03.06.13
it works really good for the first 2 weeks then crashes. I felt more depressed.
ddub | 11.04.13
prescribed 20mg bid. took the edge off so therapy helped my depresssion. i am epileptic as well and am taking lamictal for that. 3 weeks ago i had ED which after 10 years of little intercourse and now a new relationship made me concerned. i reduced the lamictal and stopped the fluoxetine. last w/e my doubts about my libido vanished. was probably the lamictal which caused the performance iss ...
No-more-naps | 07.02.13
I was on this drug for 9 months and it did help compulsive thoughts and depression but also made me nervous and sleepy.