Cymbalta vs Milnacipran

CymbaltaCymbalta MilnacipranMilnacipran
Duloxetine is used to treat depression and anxiety. In addition, duloxetine is used to help relieve nerve pain (peripheral neuropathy) in people with diabetes or ongoing pain due to medical conditions such as arthritis, chronic back pain, or fibromyalgia (a condition that causes widespread pain).Milnacipran is used to treat pain caused by a condition called fibromyalgia that affects the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and supporting tissues. This medication is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) that works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain (neurotransmitters).
Add Cymbalta review
Gail | 15.06.13
I was prescribed 30 mg then up'ed to 60 mg then back to 30 mg. It is to treat fibromyalgia. Somewhat helps. Now have chronic diahhrea.
guest | 09.06.13
I have chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and a history of depression. I had been on Prozac for years. The Prozac stopped helping, as I had crying spells and worsening depression. I was put on Cymbalta, which readily controlled my depression. My fibromyalgia went into remission. I didn't notice any side effects other than constipation. Four years ago I had a major depressive disorder. My dose was increas ...
darlenejoker | 05.06.13
It also somewhat relieves my erosive osteo arthritis I want info on long term use
guest | 03.06.13
I have had Chronic Depression for years , and recently I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia . My GP put my on Cymbalta to since the Effexor I was taking at the time was no longer effective . Unfortunately with Cymbalta , I had sleepless nights,heavy sweating, upset stomach, weight gain, bowel problems,and my anxiety level increased. With all the side effects from this medication , of course my ...
glad | 28.05.13
i have been taking others pills for depression, this is the only one that works for me.
Add Milnacipran review
erkaderka | 03.02.12
i work in the medical field and was diagnosed little over a year ago with fibromyalgia. I'm bipolar as well so depression/most meds don't coordinate with my system. my form of treatment to deal with the pain(for about 8 yrs before i knew the true cause)was alcohol(not during pregnancy of course!). after diagnosis i had exhausted almost all forms of relief for this condition, physical therapy, deep heat, electric, lyrica made me a zombie, cymbalta made me super manic and so on.. it was so discouraging. my son was suffering because i couldn't get out of bed after work. Savella so far is the ONLY thing that has successfully turned my life around! relief out-weighs the side effects. i got past the nausea by eating right before or taking it with milk, the constipation stage is rough but it's all just adaptation, eating healthier. at my dosage now i've acquired the tachycardia.. but my dr(who's been with me all the way) agreed that Savella has given me my life back. so he has me on a low dosage of a beta blocker recently and so far my heart rate's normal again. it's a terrible illness to struggle through and i wouldn't wish it on anyone. the most important thing to do is keep yourself informed and work with your dr. it was also helpful for me to keep track of the days, activities, muscles and pressure points that trigger the most pain :)
guest | 17.05.11
I have Fibromyalgia, CFS, and Severe Anxiety Disorder. This medicine has helped me so much with my constant pain that I am now able to work again. I do still have pain and will knock myself out if I do too much, but it has done so much for me. It has actually helped with my fatigue by how much pain it relieves. Although, I was first on a higher dose and it made me even more tired. I also have Bipolar and Lyrica made my mood unstable. This is the first drug that has really made any improvement with my pain. Hope this helps someone.
jayhawkmama | 22.09.10
i've always had occasional anxiety and had been taking Citalopram to keep it under control. i had to go off the citalopram for the Savella. i expected to have some anxiety during the switch. Unfortunately the anxiety attacks continually got more frequent and more severe the longer i was on Savella. By the time i convinced my doctor to change my medication i was taking 3 Ativan per day and still having anxiety. It did moderately well controlling my pain at first but not great. The effectiveness diminished over time.