Exelon vs Namenda

ExelonExelon NamendaNamenda
Rivastigmine is used to treat confusion (dementia) related to Alzheimer's disease and to Parkinson's disease. Rivastigmine does not cure either of these diseases, but it may improve memory, awareness, and the ability to perform daily functions. This medication works by restoring the balance of natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain.Memantine is used to treat moderate to severe confusion (dementia) related to Alzheimer's disease. It does not cure Alzheimer's disease, but it may improve memory, awareness, and the ability to perform daily functions. Namenda works by blocking the action of a certain natural substance in the brain (glutamate) that is believed to be linked to symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Add Exelon review
I Knew That | 09.09.10
I retired from my law practice after being diagnosed with moderate cognative impairment. A year ago my doctor put me on exelon plus namenda plus various vitamins and minerals. I feel far more competent, and my memory is much better. I am glad I retired because I still cannot take stress and my judgment is poor, but for me, this drug has made a huge difference in my own assessment of how much I am impaired. I began to get itchy on the back of my neck, where i wear the patch, awhile ago but the itching went away after i started washing the area more carefully each day. I have been experiencing some bowelo issues which my GP attributes to the exelon, but they are not too bad so far.
blossom9995 | 07.03.08
My 89 year old grandmother took this medication and it improved her qulity of life quite significantly. She began refusing to see the perscribing dr., when the med ran out there was a marked change, reduced energy and loss of interest in most things. I'd say it works
Add Namenda review
meinstlouis | 21.05.13
has worked good for me
lindabadeauxatt.net | 18.04.13
i feel god but wonder about my cholestrol level gone up to 250. was on the way down before. maybe side effect?????????
guest | 16.04.13
An overdose caused dehydration and a severe chill.
Qwispi | 19.02.13
Since beginning to take this drug, my mother has lost nearly 40 pounds. I think Namenda suppresses her appetite. In addition to forgetting to eat, when offered food, she says she is not hungry. It is hard to tell if Namenda helps her memory. Her memory continues to decline. The drug facts state that it helps restore normal daily function, but my mom cannot formulate a plan for any but the sim ...