Lyrica vs Tramadol

LyricaLyrica TramadolTramadol
Lyrica is used to treat pain caused by nerve damage due to diabetes or to shingles (herpes zoster) infection. It may also be used to treat nerve pain caused by spinal cord injury. Lyrica is also used to treat pain in people with fibromyalgia.Tramadol is used to help relieve moderate to moderately severe pain. Tramadol is similar to narcotic analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain.
Add Lyrica review
Mr hand some | 16.06.13
You will be in the Ly rica cloud!. yes you of will feel dru nk and feel as if you are tired all the time. you wiil be very slow youi will fefl like an idiot and I am a ver54y smart and i cant but together legos if I wanted while im on the cloud of lyrica. it takes the pain away for sure,but be careful you do not have to undertake an imkportant tasks that rwequire critical thinkinbg. d ...
Lady in pain | 10.06.13
I have fibromyalgia and was given this drug to help with the nerve pain. In the beginning at 50 mg it seemed to help some but 8 months later with the dosage increased to 200 mg a day I was feeling worse! I have gained 30 lbs, was bloated and holding water, my calves were swelled tight and so painful I didn't want to walk anywhere let alone do any exercise. I have been off of this med for about 3 w ... | 08.06.13
Woke up this morning with a terrible Bronchial cough , fever . very disoriented , a place n my arm is broken out and itches
patty | 07.06.13
Since I take many meds for various reasons, I can not speak to the side effects. I am sad because my ins. co. has jacked up the co-pay so I can't pay. It really helped my fibromyalgia. Any substitute suggestions?
guest | 30.05.13
The one side effect I do not like is daytime drowsiness and groggy feeling during the daytime hours.
Add Tramadol review | 14.06.13
It seems to have done nothing what so ever for the pain nor anything else.
ILT | 14.06.13
I have taken this for about a year for a severe knee problem and it works really well.You also don't get the drowsiness from some narcotic drugs.
guest | 14.06.13
This drug does NOTHING to mitigate pain. Might as well take tylenol.
guest | 01.06.13
some relief