Naratriptan vs Relpax

NaratriptanNaratriptan RelpaxRelpax
This medication is used to treat migraines. It helps to relieve headaches, pain and other symptoms of migraines, including sensitivity to light/sound, nausea, and vomiting. Prompt treatment allows you to get back to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other pain medications. Naratriptan does not prevent future migraines or reduce how often you may get a headache. Naratriptan belongs to a group of drugs called triptans. It affects a certain natural chemical (serotonin) that constricts blood vessels in the brain. It may also block other pain pathways in the brain.Eletriptan is used to treat migraines. It helps to relieve headache, pain, and other migraine symptoms (including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light/sound). Prompt treatment helps you return to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other pain medications. Eletriptan belongs to a class of drugs known as triptans. It affects a certain natural substance (serotonin) that causes narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. It may also relieve pain by affecting certain nerves in the brain. Eletriptan does not prevent future migraines or lessen how often you get migraine attacks.
Add Naratriptan review
not4me | 02.05.13
I used a generic 2.5 tablet. I got little relief from pain. The side effects are almost unbearable. Stomach pain lasts for two days after dose. My usual happy self turns to a most unusual very agitated mental state. It causes my neck and jaw to cramp so tightly it adds pain to my headache. I got much better relief on Relpax which had no bad side effects. But insurance refuses to cover the Relpax :/
namaste | 25.11.12
I used Amerge 2.5 mg very successfully to abort migraines at the first signs of a headache. Recently i have used Heritage Pharmaceuticals generic brand and find it much less effective and worse, it causes an upset stomache which never occurred until using this brand. This product is made in India, hopefully it is tested for effectiveness and safety. Has anyone else experienced stomache issues using a generic formula?
Add Relpax review
roxy6 | 03.11.13
When I began taking Relpax, I classified it as a miracle drug. I would get a migraine, take a Relpax (I also took two aspirin, about an hour later) and the headache would vanish. I have been taking Relpax for years, sometimes as many as once a day. In the last several months, I have been experiencing terrible withdrawals if I do not take a Relpax, namely, crippling headaches, exhaustion, sore throat, etc. There is a website "Relpax withdrawals" that you should check out. So now I'm in trouble; this is the only thing that gets rid of my migraines, and if I don't take one every day, I get a migraine. I'm seeing my doctor next week to find a way out of this mess.
guest | 27.08.13
This is the first time I've taken this medication. It worked in under 30 minutes. I've not taken anything that has relieve my headaches so quickly. I became a little dizzy and groggy so the next time I take it, I will lie down. I'm excited about it!