Nexium vs Reglan

NexiumNexium ReglanReglan
Esomeprazole is used to treat certain stomach and esophagus problems (such as acid reflux, ulcers). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and persistent cough. Nexium helps heal acid damage to the stomach and esophagus, helps prevent ulcers, and may help prevent cancer of the esophagus. Esomeprazole belongs to a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).Reglan is used to treat certain conditions of the stomach and intestines. Metoclopramide is used as a short-term treatment (4 to 12 weeks) for persistent heartburn when the usual medicines do not work well enough. It is used mostly for heartburn that occurs after a meal or during the daytime. Treating persistent heartburn can decrease the damage done by stomach acid to the swallowing tube (esophagus) and help healing.
Add Nexium review
rayp | 29.05.13
After 2 years on Nexium I developed Osteoprosis. Lost 40% bone density bcoz of loss of calcium. You need acid to build up calcium. So i stop Nexium and went on Calcium regimen. Also, I drink Water every hour and before sleeping and halfway in my sleep i drink a glass of water to stabilize stomach acid. It works, No more Nexium for more than a year now. Goodbye Nexium hello Water !!!!
guest | 12.04.13
Expensive but good.No side effects.
guest | 28.03.13
depression, hard to breath some times, tightness in chest, lost feeling
Inhibitor | 03.03.13
This is the forth proton pump inhibitor taken after the others built up side effects over 6 years.The Lansoprazole etc all noted take no antacidsThis does not say that but does warn against diazepam which I have been using for a few years.So I,m looking at my repeat prescriptions of gaviscon, diazepam and the hydrogen pumpers.So I,ve stopped the antacids gaviscon and diazepam .After day ...
Add Reglan review
gimpster01 | 14.04.13
It worked great.
Daughter | 27.12.12
After taking this medication a number of years ago, my mother has now been diagnosed with Parkinson's dementia. The neurologist seems to think it was most probably brought on by Reglan use.
sherryberry | 16.06.12
Reglan makes me feel like I am druged out.I can't seem to shake the sleepy feeling off.
ying45 | 26.04.12
My wife has been taking Reglan for 6 weeks. Now she suffered from depression, axiety, insomnia, dry mouth and weight loss. She has stop taking Reglan for two weeks now and the side effects still there. It's a horriable medicine and should be off the market. Don't use Reglan.
Marie | 27.03.12
DO NOT take this drug. It crosses the blood-brain barrier which causes neurological problems. I experienced tardive dyskenesia: twitching of muscles in my face, mouth, feet. The foot twitching has lasted years. I became depressed and unable to function normally. INSTEAD, take DOMPERIDONE, which does NOT cross the blood-brain barrier. You can get it from Canada. It works GREAT with NO side effects ...