Panadol vs Plavix

PanadolPanadol PlavixPlavix
This drug is used to treat mild to moderate pain (from headaches, menstrual periods, toothaches, backaches, osteoarthritis, or cold/flu aches and pains) and to reduce fever.Plavix Oral is used to treat the following: Myocardial Reinfarction Prevention, Non-Q Wave Heart Attack, Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Acute Syndrome of the Heart, Unpredictable Severe Constricting Chest Pain, Prevention for a Blood Clot going to the Brain, Treatment to Prevent Peripheral Artery Thromboembolism
Add Panadol review
tremenda | 30.03.11
when I have a headache..I take another brand of pill...I take one pill of Panadol and it makes me sleepy. I take it to be able to sleep. Effects more in the am...very woosy.
Add Plavix review
wha | 20.09.13
I've had bypass surgery,stents and valve replacement for Coronary Arteries clogging over the period since 1991. Now, at 90, using Plavix among other medications, I am very active and symptom free for the past 4 years. My age is not recognizable at all in my appearance. Plavix must be a contributor for my current good health.
wge | 14.09.13
Plavix and daily asprin have effectively relieved my 100% Blocked RCA and 25% LCA. I have been on this program for over 3 yrs and felt it worth while. The Cardiologist reviews all labs annualy.
musiclady1945 | 26.08.13
Caused liver failure. I now have immune problems related to the liver failure. I have had to be on a regimen of steroids for 6 months. I am now having to go back on steroids because my liver counts are going back up.