Pataday vs Zaditor

PatadayPataday ZaditorZaditor
This medication is an antihistamine used to treat itching and redness in the eyes due to allergies. This medication is not recommended for the treatment of eye irritation due to wearing contact lenses.This medication is used to prevent and treat itching of the eyes caused by allergies (allergic/seasonal conjunctivitis). Ketotifen is an antihistamine for the eye that treats allergic symptoms by blocking a certain natural substance (histamine). It is also a mast cell stabilizer that prevents allergic reactions by reducing the release of natural substances that cause an allergic reaction.
Add Pataday review
Eve Adams | 23.10.13
After the third day of use a headache started, the headache continued to worsen. I asked a pharmacist if this headache was normal, and was told,....'yes a headache with this drug is normal, the headache will go away. By the end of the second week the headache was accompanied by shooting pains in my right temple. The next day I saw bright lights to right of head, I saw these lights frequently and my vision began to deteriorate. Also as I was experiencing these shooting bright lights I began to experience a black ring in my visual field, never directly in front of the eye, but always slightly to the right. I called my very busy ophthalmologist who took me immediately. He was shocked at the reaction, an I guess a little frightened that a drug that he had prescribed nearly blinded me. This is a bad drug, not enough is known about it.
Add Zaditor review
Katyclo | 09.05.13
This medicine relieved about 60% the itching in my eyes due to seasonal allergies, but it also dried my eyes out a great deal and made them extra sensitive to light. Also, I am very sensitive to the side effects of antihistimines and after several days of use felt very sleepy all day.
guest | 15.04.13
Because I have environmental allergies, I find it difficult to find medication that work for me long-term. A friend of mine suggested Zaditor since it was and OTC drug. I tried it (although I didn't consult my doctor first). I found that it worked beautifully for my alleriy eye issues, eslpecially the itchy, burning and pressure I feel when my allerigies are over acting. I'd highly recommend Zaditor.