Paxil vs Zoloft

PaxilPaxil ZoloftZoloft
Paroxetine is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain.Zoloft is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), and a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric disorder).
Add Paxil review
Beckyboo | 28.05.13
Dr. put me on 20mg Paxil for depression instead of Lorezapam. After first dose I was sick all day, the day dose I was sick all day. Changed to taking it at night, was nauseated all the time, couldn't sleep and then started having trouble breathing. I had tried taking 10 mg. and still had the bad side effects. When it started causing breathing problems I stopped taking it. I have CHF, COPD, Diabe ...
motherload | 27.05.13
makes me feel overall happier and more at ease and level headed, and less anxiety. Mood is lifted, and I a can get up in the morning and look forward to the day in a more positive way, and enjoy my kids again.
guest | 23.04.13
I was experiencing a very depressed mood with a hopeless feeling and increased edgyness. Paxil helped relieve the symptoms.
guest | 11.02.13
ive been on paxil for 7 yrs and now am having severe night sweats
Mare | 06.02.13
This medication worked well for my depression which I would consider moderate.It helpped me to feel "balanced" and not prone to overreacting as I was prior to it's use. I decided (with my doctor's approval) to quite taking it because I began having trouble with erosion of my tooth enamel which I had read could be caused by Paxil and long term use.It also effected my weight and ability to ...
Add Zoloft review
rolani22 | 09.06.13
I was very very very depressed and my doctor prescribed me Zoloft. And it has worked beautifully. I feel ten times better. No more sadness, suicidal thoughts, lack of motivation, none of that. The only negative about Zoloft or probably any antidepressant is that when you first start taking it you go down before you go up. Also the firsr month or so you will feel pretty mellowed out. Not down but n ...
Reviewer | 07.06.13
A friend of mine was prescribed this drug about 2months ago after her sucide attempt. She seems much happier nw, almost even much to say she has a different perspective of life? Side effective sleep is disrupted every nite same time, sum times she also experiences headaches.
guest | 06.06.13
I took this drug for 5 days and had a seizure (never had one before). I am convinced it was this drug that caused it. I stopped taking it. I have no other opinions otherwise.
kdbanks78 | 22.05.13
Ive been taking this medicine for several yrs, Im taking 200mg, and its really helped me enjoy life.