Vicodin vs Zanaflex

VicodinVicodin ZanaflexZanaflex
Vicodin is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. It contains a narcotic pain reliever (hydrocodone) and a non-narcotic pain reliever (acetaminophen). Hydrocodone works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Acetaminophen can also reduce a fever.Zanaflex is used to treat muscle spasms caused by certain conditions (such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury). It works by helping to relax the muscles.
Add Vicodin review
small | 07.06.13
guest | 27.05.13
Good drug - especially for my sinus infections. My only side effect - mild hot flashes for about 15 mins
stone | 16.05.13
i have been given ms contin 15mg for a change. the new drug does not seem to help the pain as much. i am having muscle spasms. is this normal?
Add Zanaflex review
guest | 31.05.13
sTILL HAVE SEVERE MUSLCE ACHES and also hernia/ nerve pain [ from 5 surgeries/ mesh and nerve dissections but with Zanaflex I get some good quality sleep severe chronic pain syndrome--bot zanaflex and Percocet help
guest | 19.05.13
ok but still have pain
Purple Rose | 01.01.13
I have Tardive Dyskinesia, which is very painful, my muscles spasm so severe. I also have Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis plus more! I have been on Flexerill, Soma for years, which does not work. The Zanaflex has been Wonderful! My pain level would be around 7-10, now it's around 4-7. I'm very happy, it has helped give my life back somewhat. I have had No side effects, I usually have a f ...