Rocephin vs Vancomycin

RocephinRocephin VancomycinVancomycin
Ceftriaxone is an antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. This medication is known as a cephalosporin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.Vancomycin is an antibiotic used to treat a severe intestinal condition known as Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea. This condition usually occurs after the use of another antibiotic, which allows the growth of resistant bacteria in the intestines, leading to severe diarrhea. When vancomycin is given by mouth, it is not absorbed by the body but remains in the intestines, allowing it to stop the growth of the bacteria responsible for this form of colitis. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections of the intestines. It will not work for other bacterial infections or viral infections (e.g., common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or overuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.
Add Rocephin review
7jacob7 | 08.10.10
I received an injection of rocephin on 7/22/10.Within 1 hour i was in severe pain in my thighs and arms. It was so bad i ended up in the emergency room. On sat.7/24/10 i was admitted to the hospital. They gave me iv vancomicyn which made things worse. It has now been 10 weeks and i am still in pain and have severe numbness in my right leg from my knee to my ankle, numbness in both arms and numbness above my left knee. My doctor swears it was not from rocephin but can't tell me what caused it. I haven't been able to work for ten weeks. Please Help.
guest | 10.03.10
Used medication for prostate infection it took 21 (1gram) shots to get results. Very in convenient with having to take shots, finally started to get better after treatment.
Add Vancomycin review
j-bo | 22.03.13
My Dr gave me medication yesterday and insurance would not cover. I started having pain in bladder area after first dose. My Dr informed me this drug has virtually no side affects but in reading I find out differently. I also am partially deaf due to other issues and am concerned about loss of hearing as I don't have a lot to loose. Has anyone experience bladder pain or hearing loss? Did hearing return?
guest | 25.02.13
Treated c-diff with flagyl but it came back. Now on 3rd course (3 months) of 500mg every 6 hours. C-diff symptoms still present. Severe nausea after taking it, and lots of hair loss, does anyone notice hairloss? Very expensive, lucky to have full coverage by insurance plan.
Dowdydsx | 27.08.12
Took vancomycin to treat CDiff, after 14 days, stopped medication. 3 weeks later Cdiff was positive again. Took Vanco for a total of 30 days tappering does last two weeks. Side affects were horrible, back pain, stomach ache, cramping, fatique and diahrea. Have been off it for 5 days now and still feeling tired with some stomach issues. How long does it take to get out of system and/or for my digestive system to get bck to normal?