Actos vs Janumet

ActosActos JanumetJanumet
Pioglitazone is an anti-diabetic drug (thiazolidinedione-type, also called "glitazones") used along with a proper diet and exercise program to control high blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes). It works by helping to restore your body's proper response to insulin, thereby lowering your blood sugar.This combination medication is used with a proper diet and exercise program and possibly with other medications to control high blood sugar. It is used in patients with type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent diabetes). This product contains 2 medications. Sitagliptin works by increasing levels of natural substances called incretins. Incretins help to control blood sugar by increasing insulin release, especially after a meal. They also decrease the amount of sugar your liver makes. Metformin works by helping to restore your body's proper response to the insulin you naturally produce. It also decreases the amount of sugar that your liver makes and that your stomach/intestines absorb. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes may also lessen your risk of a heart attack or stroke. This medication should not be used to treat people with type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes).
Add Actos review
james | 04.06.13
i have experionced conjestive heart failer, i have a stint, i now have a cancer on my kidney and problems with my kidney. swelling of hands and feet.weakness,and sleepyness.
Portley | 15.05.13
I am a long term user of Actos ad have suffered from Fluid Retention,Extreme weight gain and shortness of breath. After reading these reviews I am looking to replace this drug urgently even though my A1c is consistantly excellent the side effects are to great.
JimmyG57 | 25.04.13
Have been on Actos for 9 years, metformin on and off. glucose first decreased and has slowly increased over past years. Have to many symtoms / problems, weight gain, depression, dizzyness, nausea to narrow to one med ???? could be the statin or blood pressure meds.
Add Janumet review
honker6 | 22.08.13
My Dr just called me with my blood results and after taking metformin 850mg twice a day, hes starting me on Janumet in the am and metformin at night.After reading all the reviews I am kind of nervous about starting this medication. I just hope it gets my blood sugars under control. hes also putting me on Lipitor. He said it wont interact with the diabetic meds. Anyone else taking lipitor with Janumet and metformin? Wish me luck im scared!!
Alana | 22.07.13
My doctor sent me to have an ultrasound because of high lipase and amylase tests. He thought I might have pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis. Over a six month period it kept rising. The cause was Janumet. When I stopped taking it, the counts lowered.
guest | 05.04.13
was just put on this medicine by my doctor,was taking just metformin,and heard about a medical warning about this medicine,not sure if I should continue to use it