Ambien vs Rozerem

AmbienAmbien RozeremRozerem
Zolpidem is used to treat sleep problems (insomnia) in adults. If you have trouble falling asleep, it helps you fall asleep faster, so you can get a better night's rest. Zolpidem belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect.This medication is used to treat sleeplessness (insomnia). It helps you fall asleep faster so you can get a full night's rest. Sleep is important for your ability to function, think clearly, and remain alert. Lack of sleep can cause problems such as depression, heart disease and accidents. Getting enough sleep allows your mind and body to repair itself and increases your energy throughout the day. Ramelteon works like a natural substance called melatonin that is produced by your body. It helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm).
Add Ambien review
donottakethis | 15.06.13
WARNING!!! This drug has horrible side effects with long term usage. Took for 8 yrs half pills of 10mg to sleep. I ended up hospitalized with hallucinations and anxiety attacks when trying to come off the pills. rebound insomnia lasted a few months. Hell to get off. TAKE a natural melatonin supplement. This drug is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE and has bad side effects!!!!
Emma Leet | 11.06.13
i Have M.S. if I do not sleep at night and fully relax it's almost impossible to function the next day.
progers655 | 10.06.13
I have fibromyalgia. This causes interrupted sleep to the point I cannot function the following day. Once my doctor started me on Ambien, my sleep pattern improved, my pain was more manageable and my mental status has greatly improved. Because I have been on this medication for quite some time, my physician wants to get me off of it. On the nights I take it, I wake up rested and refreshed. T ...
guest | 05.06.13
I have been taking this drug for 15 worked great for a does not work at all now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Add Rozerem review
guest | 10.01.13
I was prescribed Rozerem by a sleep specialist following an overnight sleep lab test. Following surgery for a brain (pituitary tumor) issue with serious post op complications. One chronic complication is a disruption of the circadian rhythm (think chronic jet lag!). I had tried OTC melatonin which turned out to be useless because the active ingredient is mostly destroyed in the digestive process. But the first metabolite of Rozerem mimics melatonin because it binds to the melatonin receptors in the brain. Because I have a neurological condition, all other sleep meds were abysmal failures. Rozerem is the only one that really gives me 7-8 hours of sound sleep and I have been taking it for six years! Other sleep meds may work for run of the mill insomnia, but for insomnia resulting from chronic disruption of the circadian rhythm, Rozerem is IT!
Bugeyes | 06.07.12
This med worked for a week and a half then it just stopped. It just stopped. Iquit taking it for 3 days then went back but cannot fall asleep for 4 hrs and that's with a pm pill added in. I don't care for it and I paid a fortune for it.