Aspirin vs Warfarin

AspirinAspirin WarfarinWarfarin
Aspirin is used to reduce fever and relieve mild to moderate pain from conditions such as muscle aches, toothaches, common cold, and headaches. It may also be used to reduce pain and swelling in conditions such as arthritis. Aspirin is known as a salicylate and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking a certain natural substance in your body to reduce pain and swelling. Consult your doctor before treating a child younger than 12 years. Your doctor may direct you to take a low dose of aspirin to prevent blood clots. This effect reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. If you have recently had surgery on clogged arteries (such as bypass surgery, carotid endarterectomy, coronary stent), your doctor may direct you to use aspirin in low doses as a "blood thinner" to prevent blood clots.Warfarin is used to treat blood clots (such as in deep vein thrombosis-DVT or pulmonary embolus-PE) and/or to prevent new clots from forming in your body. Preventing harmful blood clots helps to reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Conditions that increase your risk of developing blood clots include a certain type of irregular heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation), heart valve replacement, recent heart attack, and certain surgeries (such as hip/knee replacement).
Add Aspirin review
guest | 27.07.13
Works well taken with warm water enter the blood stream faster .
bluegill | 16.02.09
Asprin is found naturally in willows. Try chewing on willow leaves,bark or twigs next time you are outdoors and get a tooth hurting you. It works.
Add Warfarin review
KJinIowa | 09.05.13
I had multiple PE's after a rough winter of coughing and pain in my lungs. I could not take deep breaths and was given steroids and antibiotics on 2 different trips to Dr. because I wasn't getting better. These of course still did not work so my Dr. thought he better check me for blood clots. Yep, I had plenty in my lungs along with some dead lung tissue due to damage. I was in the hospital a week ...
Grace | 02.04.13
I take the drug because I have been told that I have to - I have had two episodes of DVT/PEs and am now on the drug 'for life'.
misscin | 20.02.13
The only problem with the medication is that it has been difficult to keep it regulated. It is always too high or too low. I have had lumbar surgery since being on the warifin. I was off for a few weeks and now it's difficult getting back regulated again.