Celexa vs Zoloft

CelexaCelexa ZoloftZoloft
Citalopram is used to treat depression. It may improve your energy level and feelings of well-being. Citalopram is known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Celexa works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain.Zoloft is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), and a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric disorder).
Add Celexa review
dc9153 | 13.06.13
After many family dilemas, I was depressed and unable to function. This drug put me on an even keel. The only real problem I am having is increased sweating and tight calf muscles upon waking.
DL02005 | 09.06.13
This Medication has controlled my depression/Anxiety for about a year now. The one side affect that I have noticed after taking this medication is weight gain.
mom at the end of her rope | 04.06.13
Daughter is ADHD/Sensory Issues/ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) The daily interactions with her were getting to the point that I cried all the way to work after I dropped her off at school everyday. Everthing is a struggle. Felt I needed something to help calm down and help in dealing with. It helped. Doctor did not want me on for longer than 6 months. It has been about a year. I curren ...
jules2013 | 23.05.13
Was on Lexapro for 8 years. Loved it. Lost insurance benefits and had to switch. Used Cetalopram for the past year and have had to stop it (on my own, cold turkey) because it caused me to become, basically, a vegetable. Didn't care, didn't want to care, etc. Now I can't get another prescription for anything until I see a shrink because my doc thinks I could be bipolar which I have never, ever ...
granmimi | 20.05.13
May 20, 2013I have been taking Celexa (citalopram) since fall of 2003, and I can tell you without it, I don't know what I would have done. I have had five deaths in my immediate family, and it has helped me to stay focused and stay on an even kell. It has helped keep me calm, and able to think and take care of day-to-day business.
Add Zoloft review
rolani22 | 09.06.13
I was very very very depressed and my doctor prescribed me Zoloft. And it has worked beautifully. I feel ten times better. No more sadness, suicidal thoughts, lack of motivation, none of that. The only negative about Zoloft or probably any antidepressant is that when you first start taking it you go down before you go up. Also the firsr month or so you will feel pretty mellowed out. Not down but n ...
Reviewer | 07.06.13
A friend of mine was prescribed this drug about 2months ago after her sucide attempt. She seems much happier nw, almost even much to say she has a different perspective of life? Side effective sleep is disrupted every nite same time, sum times she also experiences headaches.
guest | 06.06.13
I took this drug for 5 days and had a seizure (never had one before). I am convinced it was this drug that caused it. I stopped taking it. I have no other opinions otherwise.
kdbanks78 | 22.05.13
Ive been taking this medicine for several yrs, Im taking 200mg, and its really helped me enjoy life.