Ondansetron vs Zofran

OndansetronOndansetron ZofranZofran
This medication is used alone or with other medications to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer drug treatment (chemotherapy) and radiation therapy. It is also used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting after surgery. It works by blocking one of the body's natural substances (serotonin) that causes vomiting.Zofran is used alone or with other medications to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer drug treatment (chemotherapy) and radiation therapy. It is also used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting after surgery. It works by blocking one of the body's natural substances (serotonin) that causes vomiting.
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guest | 29.04.13
While using this drug, I am still nauseated and vomiting. I was currently taking promethazine but my Doctor switched me to ondansetron. I am waiting for a call back from my Doctor to switch me back.
5fn4tx | 18.04.13
Nausea vomiting and diarrhea for 4 days.Went to hospital ER. Given Ondansetron HCL 4mgm tab. After 3 dAys on med no more nausea and vomiting but still feel awful. Will call Dr.
guest | 22.05.12
Was taking the round pill and had some of the ones that dissolve in your mouth, both worked well. Just got a new refill and now it's oval in shape and does NOT work as well. It is probably an insurance perference. I am fed up with people who are capable of using a computer and filing claims taking charge of my health care. I hope they like the bills when I end up in er and hosp. stay because they are allowed to be doctors. It's time we all stood up to these people and demand the best available care in aspects of our health care needs.
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Ms. Tee | 10.06.13
https://www.facebook.com/Mothersagainstzofran?ref =hl
cmoore88 | 15.04.13
This is my third pregnancy, I am about 9 weeks, and I had severe morning sickness with all three but this is the first time I looked for something to help me with it because this is the first time I have had a job while pregnant. After the first dose I felt 80% better. Slight nausea here and there but no urge to vomit anymore. I have only taken two doses so tomorrow morning will be the ultimate te ...
bs0428 | 19.12.12
I have taken Zofran with all 3 of my pregnancies. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant with baby #3 and was diagnosed last week with full-blown Hyperemesis. I am on a higher dosage this time (8mg 3-4 times a day, rather than 4mg), and I am taking the orally dissolving tablets rather than the kind you swallow. It is working well so far, but I am also having headaches as a side effect, and constipation. ...
Jenny | 29.11.12
I'm having terrible constipation. I've been taking stool softeners for 2 weeks.