Paxil vs Remeron

PaxilPaxil RemeronRemeron
Paroxetine is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It works by helping to restore the balance of a certain natural substance (serotonin) in the brain.Mirtazapine is used to treat depression. It improves mood and feelings of well-being. Mirtazapine is an antidepressant that works by restoring the balance of natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain.
Add Paxil review
Beckyboo | 28.05.13
Dr. put me on 20mg Paxil for depression instead of Lorezapam. After first dose I was sick all day, the day dose I was sick all day. Changed to taking it at night, was nauseated all the time, couldn't sleep and then started having trouble breathing. I had tried taking 10 mg. and still had the bad side effects. When it started causing breathing problems I stopped taking it. I have CHF, COPD, Diabe ...
motherload | 27.05.13
makes me feel overall happier and more at ease and level headed, and less anxiety. Mood is lifted, and I a can get up in the morning and look forward to the day in a more positive way, and enjoy my kids again.
guest | 23.04.13
I was experiencing a very depressed mood with a hopeless feeling and increased edgyness. Paxil helped relieve the symptoms.
guest | 11.02.13
ive been on paxil for 7 yrs and now am having severe night sweats
Mare | 06.02.13
This medication worked well for my depression which I would consider moderate.It helpped me to feel "balanced" and not prone to overreacting as I was prior to it's use. I decided (with my doctor's approval) to quite taking it because I began having trouble with erosion of my tooth enamel which I had read could be caused by Paxil and long term use.It also effected my weight and ability to ...
Add Remeron review
guest | 17.04.13
This medicine works very well for me, and does not have the negative sexual side effects of the SSRI's
guest | 13.04.13
I'm in the last stages of COPD. I have been taking every med for Depression & with out any luck.I've been taking Remeron 15 MG for the past week & I couldn't feel any better.
sheila | 07.04.13
Has changed my mom, she seems to be in lala land, without a care in the world. This bothers me because she is usually talkative and more alert. Since taking this drug she seems too not care about anything.
Consider | 28.03.13
I use this drug as a combo with Paxil to combat anxiety and depression. It works well and I love the appetite stimulant! It helps me rest and I am definitely satisfied.
ImTeriBear | 19.02.13
The drug Remeron itself works great. I noticed slight itchy torso with a 15 mg dose, when I was directed to take 30 mg day, I have major itching in my torso and then spread from there. I was told to just stop taking it cold turkey.