Prozac vs Remeron

ProzacProzac RemeronRemeron
Fluoxetine is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, a certain eating disorder (bulimia), and a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual dysphoric disorder).Mirtazapine is used to treat depression. It improves mood and feelings of well-being. Mirtazapine is an antidepressant that works by restoring the balance of natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain.
Add Prozac review
Steve- o | 07.06.13
I was taking this medicine after going though family trauma losing my job, watching my dad almost die ,and losing the house we live in and having his family turn on me. The medicine really helped me get back on my feet. but 7 years later the medicine has made my mood swings wrose, and really started to affect my relation ships. I just started a nother medicine let see how this one does ? I would n ...
Bybys | 25.05.13
I've had se vere anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, suicidal thoughts. I've lost 3 kilos, I've been shaking, every time is worse, I have spasms in all my body. I've been throwing up. My anorexia got worse. My muscles are stiff.
guest | 24.05.13
This medication lessened my depression but I gained 30 lbs over the years. I felt like I was trapped in someone else's body. I was like a zombie, all I did was sleep, couldn't hold a job or a relationship. It caused me NOT to take any actions to improve my life. It made me very mean sometimes!!!I had bad, scary dreams all the time and was becoming dependent on alcohol as well so I had to stop. ...
Add Remeron review
guest | 17.04.13
This medicine works very well for me, and does not have the negative sexual side effects of the SSRI's
guest | 13.04.13
I'm in the last stages of COPD. I have been taking every med for Depression & with out any luck.I've been taking Remeron 15 MG for the past week & I couldn't feel any better.
sheila | 07.04.13
Has changed my mom, she seems to be in lala land, without a care in the world. This bothers me because she is usually talkative and more alert. Since taking this drug she seems too not care about anything.
Consider | 28.03.13
I use this drug as a combo with Paxil to combat anxiety and depression. It works well and I love the appetite stimulant! It helps me rest and I am definitely satisfied.
ImTeriBear | 19.02.13
The drug Remeron itself works great. I noticed slight itchy torso with a 15 mg dose, when I was directed to take 30 mg day, I have major itching in my torso and then spread from there. I was told to just stop taking it cold turkey.